Marketing of new products and services is vital to most businesses. Many companies are unaware that fast, cost-insurgency techniques to test market concept can be easily replaced laborious research, saves time and money in the process.
A simple model of strategic thinking
In order to test a new concept to market, you need one, right? Use this simple drag, intuitive model approach to understand the market dynamics that will be considered.At first you simply work through the model applying what you already know or strongly suspect is true about the market. Then you go back and support each and every assumption you're holding with market data.
- What are the trends in my industry?
- What's driving these trends?
- What are we currently doing about the trends?
- What are our competitors doing about the trends?
- What could we be doing about the trends to increase our profits?
During this process you're squarely in the analytical phase of marketing. You're creating ties between your idea and a market that will welcome or reject it. Do your work carefully at this stage or you'll wind up with every marketer's nightmare...a product or service that's an answer to a question nobody's asked!
Collecting Unbiased Customer Data
There are a couple of ways to approach this task. It's recommended that you use both methods so that your information will be balanced between primary (straight from the client) and secondary (Expert Opinion). The goal here is to understand clearly your WOW! and how do you prove it.
The first thing to understand what (and many marketers) is that enterprise is a social process. This means that to do so successfully, you will spend most of the time dialogue with people ... not noodling around on the Internet. If the thought of you this fear resulted in good company. Most people do not taste, but conversations with strangersbite successful people in almost all professions only the bullet and do it in any way.
Step 1: The Internet section
For a bridgehead, and not a double effort, spend about 10% of the time you have allocated for this research project the Internet. The goal is to provide a basic understanding of available information on the latest offers and replaced in gaining market space. We want to understand the marketing and sales channels. In particular, you should knowsubstitute choices your prospects could make instead of buying your product. It's good to look at the whole chessboard, not just the squares immediately surrounding your next-move.
At this stage we're looking for available industry reports and similar expert analysis of:
• What are the trends in my industry?
• What's driving these trends?
• What are our competitors doing about the trends?
You'll find out what's available by doing these searches:
1. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], financial analysts
2. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], market research
3. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], Hoover's
4. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], [name of local newspaper]
5. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], business news
6. [industry name] or [product/service] or [major competitor], Industry News
Seventh [] The name of the industrial product or [/] services and [] main competitor, industry experts
8th Query were similar to your favorite social media where such information is not received by search engines.
If something has been written on, pod casts, YouTube'd, tweeted, blogs or discussion at a conference, you can find with this research. Viewpoints, to find and put each piece of key information in the model's five-point strategy planning, weusing. Now you'll see a shape starting to form around your strategy model.
Step 2: Create A Discussion Guideline
This is what you will use as a guideline in talking with potential purchasers of your market concept. In essence this is the heart and soul of your project. The care and accuracy you put into this step will determine whether your market concept test results are accurate.
These are the objectives:
1. Understand whether your WOW! is really a WOW!
2. Understand Industry trends and purchasing related to your concept of market ... and what is driving these trends.
Ask a third view on growth opportunities for your company or department.
We recommend structuring your guide so that the results in a discussion. People tend to relax and talk more freely about your approach to the market, and alternatives if you're not reading the questions in the letter as a market study. Sketch of five key areas of information. Thiscould include:
• What do you think of the concept I presented?
• them to steer in the direction of their thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages.
• Ask them what is even better.
• What are the substitutes or alternatives to do-it-yourself-and in-house solution?
• How, when and where you'd like to receive information on new products and services like these?
• Digital
• traditional (print ads, trade shows, sales,etc.)
• Colleagues, Friends & Family
• Where and how you'd like something like this concept acquire market?
• Steer them toward what is now the perfect place for them, not only when alternatives are available.
• Check any competitive advantage they can get you're looking for.
• concepts would influence how funding for their purchase decision?
• Who is the final decision maker and who else is involved in a purchase decision? Refer to noteson complex sales and remember that large consumer purchases can often involve multiple decision makers and influencers.
It is critical that you not approach this exercise with pre-conceived notions of what your company can or can't do. You simply want to visualize the best possible purchasing scenario for your new market concept. You can parse internal strengths and weaknesses later. Do not base a go/no-go decision on your weaknesses!
You may think of many other categories of Questions. Remember that most people have limited time with them for 15-30 minutes so as to maintain the low number of categories, and focus on going deep in each category. You can always change in different categories of subsequent discussions with various people. Even after three or four calls, you have a much clearer idea of which categories of information are most suitable for your purposes.
Step 3: Create a list of potential customers
The next one will interact directly with your market.This is a hugely valuable exercise for product managers, marketing managers and marketing leaders. You'll learn more about your market concept in a day of doing this than just about anything else you might choose to do, including conjoint analysis and focus groups.
The objectives for this stage are:
• understand who holds the knowledge you need
• understand the role each influencer will play in a complex sale
• understand where, when, how and from whom they get their Decision-influencing information
People should keep talking to one or more of the following roles:
• Decision makers
• Influence
• Approver
• User
• Deal Killer
Some products and services, including consumer goods and B2B products cost less than $ 1,000, you'll just talk to decision makers. For most other products and services to decision-makers and one or more other types of buyers will speak. IfYou do not know the mechanics of a complex sale you need a pause up to reach the project. Just do a search on a "complex sale" and you'll find what you need to know. This is critical for B2B and high-end or more consumer goods and complex services.
Your goal is to at least 100 people who have a direct influence on the purchase of this speech for you free market approach. If you try an approach to consumption (eg tax software are preparing to start)Speaking with people in your circle of influence even friends, family, colleagues and professional contacts. Qualify your research participants, who prepares his taxes and, if a product based software is used. Once the list and their phone numbers you're ready to go to Step 3.
If you test a concept of a B2B market directly to companies that are selling your products or services. Might have some contactthese companies, but spends most of his time talking to people who do not know. Be careful on your mission and never dressed like a student seeking a thesis or project. Just be yourself and describe what you do, honest.
If you start to "cold call" a society where you can get a foothold. If your market approach is a desire new and better alternative to traditional enterprise resource planning systems in manufacturing companies of medium size, most likelytalking to people in logistics, purchasing, operations and accounting. Go to the company's website and list the names of key people in those functions if they're identified. Then call the main number or department number, if listed, and ask to speak to that person. You may get through or you may not. Regardless of whom you talk with, even if it's the main switchboard operator, just give him/her your 25 word elevator pitch on what you're doing and ask who they'd recommend speaking with.
You will find that after calling three or four companies your comfort level will rise dramatically and you'll start getting through more often to people who have the information you need.
This sounds like odd work for marketing people doesn't it? However the advantages of this approach are many.
First, it gets marketing people immersed in the marketplace. This is far better than the superficial practice of having marketing people shadow a sales person for a day or two once a year.
Secondly, there are marketing people have an affinity for the role of the sales team. It helps you understand your own, so that in turn can work with vendors to develop strategies to overcome resistance and denial.
Thirdly, there are people still trust marketing and much more enthusiasm for the introduction of new concepts if they found the market dynamics and customer habits and practices. This confidence is spreading to other sectors of society,giving the marketing and product teams more support than they would have otherwise.
So yes, it's a truly different approach but it's highly effective and takes a lot less time and money than traditional market research.
Case Study
A startup company in California has a new market concept for virus protection solutions for iApp (applets for Apple's iPhones) vendors. This startup is reluctant to spend $50-100K on formal market research so they've decided to do the project in-house.
They plan to assess the current competitive landscape for iApp virus protection by:
• Conducting a search for iApp virus protection vendors, if any
• Interviewing a small number of current iApp creators
o Do the trends they're seeing suggest a market opportunity for our concept?
o What do they know about current solutions on the market?
o How would our offering solve a current problem or pain point better than other offerings?
o What would they pay to solve that problem or pain point?
o What level of disruption or complexity can the organization handle for installation and testing?
Next, the startup will assess current substitutes for their concept. They'll do this by conducting a search and gathering product specifications, distribution models and other key information for each of their potential competitors. Some of this information they will already have from collecting customer data from the internet and other resources they be used. The rest must go after the same techniques used to collect information. These are some possible results from their efforts:
• The new concept of market adjustments would feature
• The new market-oriented approach would only IAPP Creator
• Do not lean heavily on digital marketing, rather than traditional marketing
• payment of a utility pricing model (as used) that would be a strategic advantage
• Onewould guarantee them a strategic advantage
• acquisitions would not be a source of competitive advantage in the near future
The team now has enough information to make a go or no-go decision. If there is a "go" The next step is to make sure there are a lot of money in the bank or come in to finance the development and marketing. Before software programmers to create in step, but the team has a marketing requirements document and a process for commercial release to ensure that theyrun out of money before sales revenue kicks in.