Annually, there are hundreds of fire-related deaths throughout the nation. A big percentage of those that die in home fires are children, with the highest concentration of these tragic events occurring during the home heating months. One of the most distressing things about home fire deaths is that a great many are avoidable.
The best way to organize for a fire-related emergency is to take the needed steps to avoid a home fire. Important aspects of preparing to prevent fire in the first place consist of home maintenance, watchful use of items that have the capacity for causing a fire, instructing children about the dangers of fire and being vigilant in chaperoning or preventing their use of items or equipment that could start a fire.
Normal home repair can play a key role in preventing fires. Having heating systems cleaned and inspected yearly by professionals is a good idea, as is not procrastinating the repair of electrical problems. Making sure to keep areas around furnaces and stoves clear of flammable debris or risky household items will increase the potential of avoiding a fire. When it comes to such heat-producing items as space heaters and irons, make sure to use them with caution.
Space heaters are a frequent cause of house fires and should never be near enough to curtains or blankets to set them ablaze. Three or four feet away is a good minimum distance. The cord should be in good condition and conveniently placed, meaning not beneath a rug or in a walkway where you can trip over it. If possible, a space heater plug should have a separate outlet. You should regularly check it to see if it is getting hot.
Like space heaters, candles are another common source of fires at home. Do not burn unattended candles. Even the kind that are in glass are not recommended to leave alone, as the glass can fracture from the high temperature of an improperly centered wick and be the source of a fire. Use curling irons, clothing irons and other household items that can ignite a fire with care.
Children must understand that playing with fire can cause serious injury, even death, not just for themselves and their family, but also for people in neighboring homes. In addition to keeping matches and lighters out of their reach, supervise children in the kitchen and around the stove. Do not permit children to use the stove or oven without supervision until they are tall enough and responsible enough to do so correctly.
Occasionally, in spite of our best efforts, mistakes and mishaps do happen, and there is a fire. Having a dependable plan is the best preparation in the event of a home fire-related emergency. The foundation of the plan is the line of action that household members will take when the smoke detectors go off or a fire is evident.
Formulate an exit strategy and a gathering place. Practice an exit strategy for children so frequently that they retain the information. They should be aware of the basics-keep close to the floor for oxygen, feel a door for heat before opening, how to get out of a window if the door cannot be used, etc. Explain how windows can be broken on the occasion of an emergency and that laying a blanket on top of the broken glass can prevent injury. For second floor windows, a fire escape ladder is inexpensive to install. Stop, drop, and roll is also an essential concept to teach, in case clothing catches on fire while exiting the building.
Choose a meeting spot that is a secure distance away from your home. It is a good idea to have a second spot in mind, in case a fire spreads all over a city block, making the first spot unsafe. Train children to remain at the meeting spot until parents or officials arrive for them. As trying as it may be, children must be made to understand to leave pets for parents or fire crew to rescue. Keeping irreplaceable items, such as family photos, or difficult-to-replace personal papers in a fireproof box can help decrease the temptation for adults to linger too long or go back into a burning home.
While prevention is the best means of preparation, the fact remains that residential fires do occur. Preparing for such events can help lessen the chance of property loss being accompanied by something much more tragic-serious injury or death. Take steps today to ensure that you and your family are ready to deal with a home fire-related emergency.